Fresh Essential Oils


Recharge the day with an energy boost from uplifting citruses

Made with natural essential oils of orange, lemon, mandarin, balanced with soothing geranium

Mandarin Oil
Mandarin Oil

 Geranium Oil
Geranium Oil

Orange Oil
Orange Oil

  • See more ingredients
    • Citrus Limonum (Lemon) Oil, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Sweet Orange) Oil, Citrus Reticula (Mandarin) Oil, Pelargonium Odoratissimum (Geranium) Oil

Aroma Ornament

Pour 20 drops onto the ornament.  Let the essential oils absorb completely into the ornament and hang or place at desired locations.

Vaporizer & Burner

Add 8-10 drops to water in a vaporizer or burner to make fantastic natural air fresheners.


For full body massage, add 15-20 drops mixing with 25-30ml of base oil such as Sweet Almond Oil or Jojoba Oil to add aromatherapy benefits to your nourishing massage.

Baths & Showers

Add 10 drops to hot water in a bath and enjoy; or cover the plughole and add 10 drops onto the shower basin and enjoy the steaming effect during the shower.

Inhalation & Towel Compress

Add 4-5 drops to a 300ml bowl of steaming water and place a towel over your face and lean over the bowl to bask in the steam and inhale for a few minutes.  Alternatively, soak the towel into the bowl of water then press it onto the face.


Add 2 drops to a spray bottle of 100ml water; shake well then spray onto face and body avoiding the eyes

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